22 Jun Custom Prints Available
Custom canvases and large prints available - imagery of Canadian landscapes from Alberta to Ontario. ...
Custom canvases and large prints available - imagery of Canadian landscapes from Alberta to Ontario. ...
Gurdeep Pandher has inspired millions of people through his love of Bhangra – the traditional folk dance of Punjab. Throughout the pandemic, his messages of hope, joy and positivity have radiated around the world and brought a sense of connection during a profound time in...
Authentic - Candid - Fresh - On Location Now Booking Spring and Summer www.amybrathwaite.com Photo series with author and writer, Joel L. Daniels by Amy Brathwaite Photography ...
My friend reminds me of a quote from one of my favourite Jack Kerouac novels, On the Road: "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at...
My idea for the #ThreadProject is to reveal our interconnections as humanity, the threads that tie us together, through portraiture and words. Prior to becoming a photographer and storyteller, I worked for the UN and NGOs as a humanitarian worker and was fortunate to live in different countries and...
I'm reminded of Rumi's words, "what you seek is seeking you." 2018 has been a year where I declared myself an artist, but more so, where I stepped fully into my power as an artist. And since then, the pixie dust set sail on...
It was a sunny, bright afternoon as I got off the bus in the North west area of Calgary, Alberta. I approached the mosque, surrounded by beautiful evergreen trees, with a hint of the Rocky Mountains off in the distance. I'd been invited to an...
"I still fight those battles," he stated, hands clenched across his lap. The room fell silent, in the quiet space of understanding. First responders, police officers and veterans gathered to listen to World War II Veteran Jim Parks, of the Royal...
This past spring I took at course at Artscape here in Toronto, specifically for Creative Entrepreneurs and one of the first people I connected with was Sam. She laughs with her whole body, and frequently. She approached our classes with curiosity and kindness. And after...
More than a decade ago, I attended an event and was introduced to the musical style and lyrical genius of Nomadic Massive. I was immediately struck by their style, how they incorporate social justice calls-for-action in their music and how their beats force your feet...