22 May Thread Project
My idea for the #ThreadProject is to reveal our interconnections as humanity, the threads that tie us together, through portraiture and words.
Prior to becoming a photographer and storyteller, I worked for the UN and NGOs as a humanitarian worker and was fortunate to live in different countries and meet people from around the world. One of the most profound lessons that stays with me is how similar and connected we really are. We construct narratives and boxes around ourselves, divide and identify by language, artificial borders, religion and more. It is not to diminish or ignore our diverse cultures, languages, practices, etc – but to enrich, within that space – the elements we all share.
When it comes down to it, we share so much as a collective humanity and it feels at times we’re at risk of losing it. In my experience from Bangladesh to Haiti, to Tanzania and Indonesia, from Alberta to Sunderland – I’ve found a common desire for peace, a sense of community, work, a place to practice our faith (or not) and a better world for our kids. That’s it. I’m troubled by the regression and hate that is picking up pace, in what feels like just about everywhere.
I’ll photograph individuals who in some way are contributing to the betterment of the planet, or humanity, or both. Elders, artists, health educators, spiritual leaders, the owner of the local convenience shop. I’ll photograph those who inspire me, those who emulate strength and those who lights shines bright in this turbulent world. Their portraits and words will tell the story of the threads that bind us all – through the simplicity of portrait photography.
My camera – a tool to herald compassion.
I’ve already started. I don’t yet know where it’ll go or what the outcome will be, but it’s a whisper I can no longer ignore.
Stay tuned, hear the call, welcome back Compassion.
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