04 Dec Julie will see you now.
My friend reminds me of a quote from one of my favourite Jack Kerouac novels, On the Road: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” From the time she approached me back in 2011, when I was settling into a new city, to witnessing the presence she held on the day of our shoot, Julie has inspired me. More than that, she exemplifies courage, strength and ferocity. Since we’ve both left that mountain town, and found ourselves again navigating a new city, a tougher city – something dawned on me as we wandered through alley ways and textured corners. Julie is evolution in motion. She has evolved from the girl I knew her to be, to the woman I see before me now. Steadfast, curious, powerful. Julie wanted to have images that reflected where she is NOW – in her power, resilient, resourceful, Here. And as I observed her during the shoot, the confidence she holds, the wisdom she has accumulated, I said there she is, Julie will See you now.
Thank you for trusting me once again friend – for allowing me to show you the light that I see, and for helping me recognize the power I hold. Here’s to elevating each other. ♥
“Last time Amy photographed me, I was just about to leave Calgary after living there for more than seven years. My car was packed with the last of my belongings when we met that crisp April morning in front of one of my favourite Calgary landmarks – the Peace Bridge. Looking back at those photos now, she captured my enthusiasm as I ventured into the unknown. Now, nearly five years later, she did it again – this time, in the alleys of Baldwin Village, Toronto. Amy has a way of capturing the soul of a person. I felt like my _future_ self, the woman I aspire to be. I’m pretty sure she saw all of me and I felt cared for and safe expressing that. Thank you Amy! What a gift.”

Roseann Fine
Posted at 22:58h, 28 FebruaryBeautiful pictures of a beautiful person.